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viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

Popocatépetl y satélites NOAA 18 y NOAA 16. 11 de enero de 2013.

NOAA 16. 11 enero 20:31 TC.  Infrarrojo r=2. Mancha térmica del Popo. Actividad que podría
estar vinculada con pequeños flujos lávicos en la base del cráter.

NOAA 16. canal 3 infrarrojo cercano. resolución 1 kmxpixel.

NOAA 16. RGB invertido. Se aprecia la mancha térmica en el cráter del Popo.

The monitoring system indicate 22 events during the past 24 h. However, during this morning volcanic ash was falling on Puebla city.  This event ocurred during this early day or perhaps during night. No report on this event was indicated. In Puebla city, suddenly respiratory and eyes illnes had affected to many people, unfortunately there is not official actions, and health problems could increase during this days.
Fase explosiva durante la noche probablemente con ceniza.

NOAA 18. 10 enero. 09:46 TC canal 2 infrarrojo.

NOAA 16. 20:31 TC. canal 3 infrarrojo. Mancha urbana de Mérida.