During the past 24 h Popocatépetl volcano produce 34 events, mostly with steam, gas and small ash accounts, however, still infrared strong signal detected by infrared sounders of the NOAA 16 and NOAA 18 satellites. Last week in Puebla city situated 44 km E from volcano, was detected ash fall at NW and S of the city. The infrared thermic signals could be related to a small lava flux at crater bottom. This process also could produce a domus and this lava cover on exits of steam and gas, cause explosive phases by and increase temperature and pressure at a high region on crater. Also is important considerer that crtaer is almost full for debris of precedent events. Under this boundary conditions we can expect new ash columns next hours. Some towns around volcano are in a high piroclastic clouds toward volcano slopes and could threatened the most close towns situated at only 11 km from crater. This is a important moment for an early watch system applied to people living close to volcano.
Ayer por la tarde algunos eventos explosivos acompañados de poca ceniza. Desde Altzomoni Cara Norte. |
NOAA 18. 14:58 TC. R=1. Multicanal. NE de México y remanentes del Frente frío 21. |
NOAA 18. Multicanal. Remanentes del Frente 21. Viento intenso en el Golfo de México y Tehuantepec. |
NOAA 16: 09:01 TC. Registro térmico en el Popo. La mancha roja (al centro) se debe a la emisión térmica proveniente de los arenales (ceniza) depositados recientemente. Al centro se observa una pequeña mancha violeta que corresponde a la fuente térmica en el cráter. |
NOAA 16: Multicanal. Sierra Nororiental entre Puebla y Veracruz. |
NOAA 16. Multicanal. |
´¿Impacto meteórico? NOAA 16. Multicanal. región de Guerrero. |
Centro oriente de los estados de Puebla y Veracruz. NOAA 16. Multicanal. |