Se recomienda precaución y adoptar las medidas pertinentes para enfrentar un ambiente frío.
The monitor system around Popo volcano reported, during the past 24 h, 14 events mostly steam and gas, but some of them with ash. The dominant winds SW toward ENE drag small ash accounts; part of those columns, fall at NW of Puebla city situated 44 km E from crater. During the night thermic activity was observed with infrared cameras. Infrared Sounders on bord of NOAA 16 satellite, don´t registered thermic activity because the cloud cover prevent watch at crater.
The cold front 21 satationary affect all center and Gulf of México states with rains, wind and high waves. The next half week new cold front will cause North wind at Gulf of México and low temperatures with rain probability.
Ayer fase explosiva con ceniza. La columna se elevó unos 600 m sobre el cráter. |
Durante la noche actividad térmica con gas, vapor y poca ceniza. |
NOAA 16. Multicanal. R=1. frente frío 21 y nubosidad causada por el ingreso de humedad del Pacífico. La X indica la posición de la cd de Puebla. |
NOAA 16. Multicanal. Centroamérica. |
NOAA 16. Multicanal. región S y SE de México. |
NOAA 16. Multicanal R=1. Península de Yucatán. |